Yoga Healing

This is an invitation to develop a deeper relationship with yourself. There is so much wisdom dormant in the body.

I have been a yoga instructor for over 20 years teaching yoga to large classes, small intimate groups, one-on-one, and to those impacted by cancer. By combining these healing modalities, yoga and coaching, I offer a unique experience to dive deeper into yourself and focus on bringing the work we do into the wisdom of the body.

Sessions can be in-person or virtual so no need to be local to work with me.

No yoga experience is necessary.

The body always tells the truth and always wants to heal and thrive.

Many of us disconnect from our bodies. If we’ve been in pain or have experienced trauma our bodies may not feel like a safe place. Working to regulate the nervous system and reclaim a feeling of safety and calm is key in making powerful life transitions. Change is far more accessible when the nervous system is regulated and in a state of resiliency. 

Every client experience is uniquely different. The practice is completely intuitive and organic based on where you are physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually. You do not have to know anything about yoga to begin this journey. 

I focus heavily on how yoga supports nervous system healing. Your nervous system is your internal surveillance system meant to keep you safe. To really change patterns, we have to feel a sense of safety in the body. This is why yoga and coaching can be so powerful together.

A yoga-inspired coaching session might look like

We sit together and talk about what challenges you are currently experiencing as well as your longings for change. Truly whatever finds you reading this now…your personal why to healing and transformation.

I meet you where you are and attune to what the moment calls for. Your energy guides me how to harness the time together. Breathwork is always key. We can dialogue or you may choose to remain silent on your mat as I guide you through movement, breathwork, and visualization.

This can be a wonderful option for anyone who wants to explore healing work but feels some apprehension to do the deeper emotional dive into coaching. We ease into the issues through the body. The client always leads and I never impose.

My focus is attuning to YOU
and meeting you exactly where you are.


Private Yoga ― $150 per session ($600 a month)

Available in-person and virtually.

Ask me about private group classes

We need allies in times of transition.


What people are saying…

“Working with Emily is a gift. She brings her total self to each encounter and is light and profound at the same time. She intuits and perceives where you are and accepts and holds what you bring. She is a spiritual guide and a wise teacher.” ~ R.A.

“Your positive energy and open heart gives us a special space that allows us to get to a deeper, more authentic experience. You make it possible to play like kids again and to be ourselves. You remind us that we are strong inside and out. That’s your superpower and I’m so grateful that you share it with us.” ~ K.B.

I offer a free 30-minute session to anyone considering working with me. A lot is revealed in this brief connection. It’s very important that we feel a resonance with one another.