Vital Mind Reset

A 7-week private coaching container with me as your personal guide.

Are you stuck in survival mode, grappling with low energy, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, depression, or chronic illness? 

Are you navigating a chronic autoimmune condition like lupus, thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s disease, IBS, or adrenal fatigue? 

Do you long to break free from the need for psychiatric medications for good?

7-weeks of radical self care as a devotional practice to reset your body’s mental and physical health.

This transformative 44-day program combines nutrition, detox, meditation, and self-awareness for a holistic approach to healing mind and body.

I’ll be walking beside you as you reclaim sovereignty over your health and make radical self-care the cornerstone of your life.

I’m Emily Elizabeth

My passion is supporting women through the transformational process of alchemizing pain into personal power and health reclamation.

Whether you want to get off prescription medications, heal chronic illness, break free from living survival mode, or simply give yourself the gift of radical self-care, this program is a catalyst. 

VMR has assisted thousands of individuals in opting for natural support to address significant health concerns, ranging from chronic autoimmune conditions such as lupus, thyroid disease, Hashimoto's, Crohn's disease, and adrenal fatigue, to psychological challenges including anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder.

Unlike most holistic health diets and protocols, Vital Mind Reset has literally made medical history with a landmark, randomized, controlled clinical trial and thousands of success stories that demonstrate the power of lifestyle interventions to significantly relieve symptoms and improve quality of life in as little as 44 days.

The conventional medical model will never take you where you’re looking to go. Personal responsibility is the way.

It takes BIG courage to step into this process. Only you will know if you are an energetic match to this energy field. Your body will tell you. There is a mystery to choosing a journey you have never taken. You simply trust the part of your soul that knows to “open this door.”

In this container, you will…

  • Develop better sleep habits, as sleep is a healing state. 

  • Discover that through empowered choices, you CAN walk through the fire, access deeper courage and commitment, and send a signal of safety to yourself that all is well and getting better every day. 

  • Change the inner saboteur that tells you, “I can’t,” “I don’t have time,” “I have to,” and choose instead, “I can,” “I get to,” and “I Am.” 

  • Begin releasing food choices that do not serve your gut, physiology, or brain function.

  • Cultivate a new awareness of hidden toxicants and hormone disruptors, choosing differently. 

  • Be informed, encouraged, and supported to implement purification practices to bring your physiology back in balance. 

  • Understand that the dysregulation in your nervous system that has kept you on an emotional roller coaster is your body's call for change, and that radical self-care is the medicine. 

  • Realize that symptoms are messengers, the body's intelligence in communication with YOU, for YOU. 

  • Feel empowered to decline commitments that do not serve you, allowing more space for your self-care and growth.

The Program

“Just imagine what could happen if you committed, for 44 days, to a step-by-step protocol that has scientifically proven outcomes around quality of life, mood, and well-being? 
When you learn how to send your nervous systems a signal of safety, you’ll connect to an inner ok-ness that no one can disturb.” KB

You’ll receive guidance every day in your inbox including a video from Dr. Kelly Brogan covering a specific daily topic, an article for deeper understanding and contemplation, and daily 3-minute Kundalini meditations. 

The first 2 weeks of this 44-day program are preparation, followed by 4 weeks (28 days) of the diet protocol. This is where we “go big or go home.”

We’ll meet weekly for 1 hour online to deepen and explore whatever blocks come up. I encourage you to make space for this in your life. You deserve to unapologetically put yourself first.

We’ll have a private Telegram thread for connecting in between sessions. Telegram is an incredible platform for you to feel supported and encouraged throughout the journey. I will help you get comfortable with this essential form of support.

“Emily took me on a journey that changed the trajectory of my life. 

I learned to trust my inner guide but more importantly she created a safe space where I could share my life in a non-judgmental space. 

She was a stand for my growth and awareness and she walked the walk beside me.” ~ M.P.

You’ll have lifetime access to…

44 Days of Video Lessons and Practices that teach you how to go inwards to name your fears so you can start to empower yourself to move past them

Myth-busting sessions the Myths of The Protector, Body Machine, Mind-Body Dualism, and Modern Food. Because you can’t make sovereign decisions about your health if you’re stuck in the mythical dreamland (read: nightmare) of modern medicine

Food protocols to help you learn how to listen to your body so that you can give it what it needs to energize a more vital life and a complete 30-day meal plan including delicious paleo and vegetarian* recipes and a planning calendar.

In depth lessons on how to nurture and support your microbiome and get to know your gut so you can move towards healing any inflammation and mood imbalances that your current diet might be causing

Simple, short daily meditations that help your nervous system deal with whatever this world decides to throw at you

Real talk and wisdom around how to incorporate the protocols and practices we’ll take on together during our 44 days into your everyday life once the program is over

My VMR Story

I was 26 when I began taking medications to manage panic attacks and I remained on them for nearly 2 decades. No one ever presented to me how to get off of them so I had simply accepted this as a necessary inconvenience.

I was divorced in 2017, the catalyst to my Dark Night of The Soul. I was in 2 car accidents, on Xanax. The last one, I totaled my car. I had lost my mom to cancer, was dealing with the impact of surgical menopause, and was in the throes of a devastating divorce. I was deeply suffering.

I was divinely led to the book “Own Your Self” by Dr. Kelly Brogan, outlining her signature program, Vital Mind Reset (VMR), a diet protocol to support successfully tapering of psychiatric medications. This marked the beginning of my journey to liberate myself from psychotropic medications. My final dose was in February of 2018.

My “depression” and “anxiety” were not caused by a chemical imbalance conveniently labeled “mental illness.” This was a normal human response to traumatic circumstances. The medicine I needed was safety, love, and compassion, not a pill to treat a “diagnosis.” This is a narrative we’ve been conditioned to believe. Thankfully I’ve been given tools to break the spell.

VMR is like calibrating a compass back to True North so you can see where you are not in alignment in your life, and begin to choose differently. This process is a sacred commitment to self-care, advocating health autonomy, embracing lifestyle medicine, and fostering personal accountability. In essence, it is a profoundly transformative experience and I would be honored to be your guide.

If you feel a spark of excitement, or a tiny “yes,” message me and we’ll set up a call to chat. If this is not quite the right fit for you, perhaps you know someone who could benefit from this life-changing experience.

My VMR story was recorded in April 2023, prior to becoming a VMR Coach and Program Ambassador

The Investment 

The investment for this 7-week coaching container is $2250
(or 2 payments of $1125)

Investing in this program is an investment in YOU.

I want to walk alongside you as you reclaim sovereignty over your health and make radical self-care the cornerstone of your life. 

Lifetime access to Dr. Kelly Brogan’s groundbreaking Vital Mind Reset program.

($1,500 value)

7 weekly 1-hour MeetUps on Zoom to receive coaching support throughout the program.

($1000 value)

A Telegram communication platform for coaching support in-between sessions.

($500 value)

While we often budget for leisure activities, vacations, and other indulgences, we can feel conflicted in investing in our own health, yet we know self-care is essential to living in alignment. 

Think about what is waiting for you on the other side of this investment. By prioritizing your health, you will create conditions that can ultimately reduce medical expenses, visits, procedures, prescriptions, and reliance on other health practitioners.

If you're ready to fully commit and align with this journey, the impact on your life can be profound. Ultimately, this choice is about investing in yourself and your future Self, paving the way for a healthier, more vital, and more fulfilling life.

In Partnership with Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD

Vital Mind Reset was developed by Dr. Kelly Brogan, holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression.

She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience.

Dr. Kelly Brogan specializes in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.

“Where to even start on all this program has opened up for me? Emily brings an incredible wealth of health and personal knowledge to every situation. The VMR program gave me the space to rediscover what it feels like to have a clear body and mind, free from the toxins that once clouded my vision. Throughout the journey, Emily was by my side, offering unwavering encouragement and holding space for me, no matter what I faced. From the moment I met her, I felt something magnetic about her presence. Working with Emily through VMR, I experienced what true, dynamic support feels like. The program itself is transformative—my body feels better, and my mind is clearer—but the real magic is Emily. I can’t recommend this journey enough to anyone dealing with brain fog, body aches, digestion issues, emotional baggage—you name it, VMR helps. And with Emily, you have one of the most amazing cheerleaders you’ll ever have in your life!” T.W.

"Participating in VMR with Emily as my guide has been life-changing. Though I considered myself mindful of my health and diet, I was skeptical about how much value the program could add to my life. To my surprise, the journey was far more challenging and profound than I expected. Emily encouraged us to dive deep within ourselves, and I discovered that I had been unconsciously holding onto fear that was blocking my growth. Emily’s unwavering support and encouragement were invaluable. After nearly 13 years on anxiety and depression medication, I am thrilled to say I have completely stopped. I couldn’t have done it without Emily's guidance." S.G.


Have More Questions?

  • This program is for anyone looking to treat their symptoms naturally, and it's not just for women! Whether you are new to “eating clean” and living a holistic lifestyle, or you’re already familiar with this lifestyle, this protocol will give you the tools for a new start. This diet plan isn’t your average 100% organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, corn-free elimination diet — it's a carefully selected list of foods that Dr. Brogan has identified as potential culprits behind your symptoms. The combination of the core elements of this program during a dedicated 44-day window has helped many resolve lifelong symptoms. We know there are many dietary and detox protocols out there, but this one is different.

  • If you already eat clean, meditate, detox, and understand the importance of these pillars of wellness, the VMR program can still be supportive! We believe that this program will give you a unique opportunity to focus on all of these elements in a dedicated container. Many have found that just being in the VMR space was the missing link in their healing journey.

  • The Vital Mind Reset program can be done by anyone looking to achieve mental health and wellness naturally. Dr. Brogan used this same protocol for each patient, no matter their diagnosis or medical history. Women and men around the world have successfully treated not only mental health disorders with this program, but some have seen total resolution of symptoms like insomnia, brain fog, fatigue, blood sugar imbalance, and thyroid disorders, to name a few. This program was not specifically designed for weight loss.

  • The Vital Mind Reset program is appropriate for all stages of your health journey. Dr. Brogan used this protocol in her practice to help patients heal without medications, with patients hoping to taper, and with patients hoping to recover from withdrawal symptoms after stopping medications. We believe that it’s never too late to benefit from the VMR program on your healing journey. This program will not require you to stop or taper your medications, and it is not just for those who are on medications. Many people choose to explore medication tapers following the program. Before Dr. Brogan made any changes to a patient’s medication dose, they engaged a program almost identical to this one. It is important that the body and mind be optimized prior to careful medication tapers. The tapering process is highly individualized, so it’s not possible to provide specific tapering instructions that everyone can follow in this program. However, our bonus module on tapering that unlocks after the 44 days includes some resources that we think will be helpful if tapering is something you wish to pursue.

  • You should consult your personal physician or mental health professional before you initiate any program. This program is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. You may have special dietary considerations to consider. Everyone is different.

  • We encourage all those interested in exploring lifestyle medicine to work with a practitioner versed in the art and science of nutritional healing. Referral engines are linked on our resources page. Unfortunately, nutrition is not a part of conventional medical training, so consultation with an allopathic MD may leave you feeling confused.

  • While the core of the VMR program centers around a diet that is rich in animal foods as a tool for healing the mind and body, we’ve recently added vegetarian recipes for those with personal or ethical concerns, which Dr. Brogan discusses more here.

    It’s worth noting that Dr. Brogan does not have clinical data from her medical practice or VMR program suggesting that a fully vegetarian diet will result in the same outcomes discussed here. We believe that a vegetarian diet during VMR will be more for those who are looking to optimize health, rather than those who are dealing with acute issues.

    Our meal plans are not entirely vegan-friendly.

    The success that we know is possible through this program and discussed on this page is based on the original diet consisting of animal foods. Therefore, we do not endorse the vegetarian diet we include for radical healing or for anyone with the intention of a medication taper. However, we do think it’s still possible to benefit from this program in some way while following the other elements of the program.

    Please also note that the program content will still reference the benefits of an animal foods diet.